About John R. Fishbein Ph.D. and His Qualifications

Checking a therapist’s experience before seeing them is always advisable. The first thing you’ll learn about John R. Fishbein Ph.D. in San Jose is that he has extensive experience. His credentials are outlined in detail below, and you can also read what his clients have to say about him on the testimonials page. He’s happy to speak with you in further detail on a free phone consultation and accepts most insurance plans.

Professional Experience:

Clinical Member of the California and American Association of Marital and Family Therapists Since 1975
Management Consulting Since 1989
Marriage and Family Therapist License # 6997
Private Practice in Individual and Family Therapy in San Jose Since 1975


B.S., Business. University of Southern California, 1969.
M.A., Education/Counseling. California State University at Long Beach, 1971.
PH.D., Individual and Family Therapy. Brigham Young University, 1975.
Rational Emotive Therapy. Albert Ellis, PH.D., Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, 1979.
Hypnotherapy. Associates of Milton Erickson, M.D. 1982-1985.
Brief/Solution-Oriented Therapy. Jay Haley, M.S.; Cleo Madanes, PH.D.; William O’Hanlon, M.S.; Moshe Talmon, PH.D.; Steve deShazer, PH.D.; John Walter, M.S.; William Glasser, M.D. 1986-1990.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Francine Shapiro, PH.D., Mental Research Institute, 1990-1997.
Couples Therapy. John Gottman, PH.D. 2000.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Cathy Moonshine, PH.D.; Josh Smith, PH.D.; Lane Peterson, PH.D.2011-2012.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) of Insomnia. Michael Perlis, PH.D.; Donn Posner, PH.D. 2012.

Miscellaneous Professional Activities:

Hosted Turning Points, a weekly radio program focusing on successfully handling personal, family, and business challenges.
Published “Emotional First Aid: A Practical Approach to Common Concerns. Covenant Communications,” 1992, 302 pages.
Taught Achieving Success in Marriage at BYU.
Taught Karate and Women’s Self-Defense at CSULB and BYU.


Born in 1947 and Raised in Long Beach, California
Hobbies include Swimming, Physical Fitness, and Genealogy
Married to the Former Shelly Hatch Since 1972
Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Parent of 6 Children